Chabad of Moorpark is pleased to announce that we will once again, G‑d willing, be having High Holiday Services for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.
No experience necessary!
No membership required!
No charge!
Special children's service!
Warm and welcoming environment!
Hebrew/English prayer books!
Explanations throughout the service
No membership required, but seat reservations requested.
All Services will be held in the
Moorpark Chabad Jewish Center
4225a Tierra Rejada Rd.
(in the Vons Shopping Center)
For more information about the High Holidays please visit our High Holiday section www.JewishMoorpark.com/Highholidays
For more information, Please contact us by email or call us: 805-242-2232
Looking forwards to meeting you and welcoming you to the
Jewish Community of Moorpark.
For more information on services please click here.