Insights and inspiration for the routines and struggles of daily life: commentary on current events and contemporary issues. articles on parenting and relationships, and more. |
Brit Milah, upsherin, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, marriage, aging and retirement, bravement and mourning... from birth to death in Jewish tradition and practice |
Shabbat, kosher, mezuzah, tefillin, mikvah... The essence of Judaism is in its rituals and observances. A selection of website offering information and guidance on some of the most basic Mitzvot. |
The basic beliefs of Judaism, Torah and science, intermarriage, Moshiach and the future redemption, and hundreds of Q&A's on all areas of Jewish thought and practice. |
Rise above the physical elements of our lives. Through spiritual growth we can infuse a new and fresh outlook into the struggles of our daily lives. Study chassidic texts along with contemporary chassidic works - and even introduce yourself to a bit of chassidic sci-Fi! |
A comprehensive presentation of the weekly Torah reading, including translations, summaries and overviews, Rashi in English, and anthology of classical commentaries, essays based on the teachings of the chassidic masters, a wide selection of contemporary "Parshah Columnists," audio classes and a "Family Parshah" section for kids |
Portal to collection of Jewish holiday websites. Explanations, observances, study, guide and multimedia to all major and minor Jewish holidays and fast days. |